designingLULA: My Two Cents About Stuff

It’s not all about digital

Feb 15, 2017 | designingLULA

I spend countless hours sitting in front of a screen. It might be my laptop, my iphone, my tv, or any other number of things that have screens these days. It gets to the point where one might feel that the only way to “be” is on screen. Lately, I’ve been trying to balance my screen time with “real life” time.

I used to spend countless hours in front of an easel covered in charcoal, or paint, or guache, or any number of mediums that my mood swung me towards. I’m working on getting back to a bit of that. It’s always a thought in the back of my head but seems to not quite form into action.

Moving forward into 2017, a goal or resolution if you will, is to bring those underlying vibrations of creativity into fruition on a semi-regular to regular basis. In the spirit of this, below is my college opus. Glimpses into my hay-days of being a fine artist before putting down the charcoal and picking up the mouse.

The things I learned from my fine arts training are in use in everything that I do in my daily work; however, there’s nothing like spreading the medium across the page with my fingers. I’m looking forward to experiencing that sensation again and possibly posting the outcome if I’m not too embarrassed with my rustiness.


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