The Nature vs. Nurture of Business Networking

Next to having actual talent and skills, the ability to successfully business network is crucial to an entrepreneur's survival. I have found that this is much easier said than done. Some people have it innately within them to smoothly make contact with others no...

10 Tips for an Online Identity as a Freelance Creative

As a creative freelancer, your website is your key marketing platform. It needs to be clear, intuitive and really speak to what you do. Here are 10 easy tips to creating a full-fledged online identity (that works!) in a digitally minded world: 1. URL. Make sure your...

How to be dashing with dashes

One might not think about minor details like dashes when contemplating design; however, it's those little things that can make or break you. Besides, who cares about the design if something is spelled wrong or has bad grammar? Designers aren't editors but it pays to...

Cancer Design for a Cure

Mom has cancer, ovarian cancer. Technically, she's my mother-in-law but we've never been big on the in-law title. Miki doesn't come with all of the cliche baggage. The truth is that she's all sorts of awesome. I often wonder how I lucked out with such a great guy AND...

I bow to thee, oh fabulously designed Wii

So this evening I experienced the Wii Fit Plus. When I say experienced, I mean that I was stupified by this beautifully designed machine. My lust for the Wii has been lingering since they first hit the market like everybody else but as with everything in my life, if...

Spider Man vs. Spidey Lizard: The Ultimate Brand Smackdown

Who do you think you are Mr. Freaky-Spider Man-Poser Lizard!? I resent your outfit and that smug look on your face. Don't you know that there's only room for one guy with a red and blue spandex suit in my psyche? You're blowing my mind Spidey Lizard. So what if art...

Designing Poo: The Awe of Diaper Design

“There’s no sticky tape!”, my mom exclaimed completely impressed with my son’s diaper. You see, I’m the baby…and I’m thirty-three. Mom hasn’t seen a diaper in over thirty years. She was in complete awe. Kinda like I was a few weeks ago when I went to check out potty...

The OCD of Design

My friends and family consistently make fun of my anal retentive ways. I often pow-pow with my designer friends about our frustration with the lack of order in the day-to-day of, well frankly, most people we know. My world professionally and personally must have...

theLULA is back!

So my last post was in February and I’m sure there’s speculation about why I’ve been MIA. Well, it was brutal, it was bloody but I made it through…I got married. My goofy husband, Alx, and me right after the ceremony. An absolutely wonderful event but the months...